Figure. Dorsolateral view of Gonatus oregonensis, holotype, 39 mm ML. Photograph by R. Young.
- Arms
- Arm formula generally III=>II>IV=>I.
- Armature in four series: arms I-III with 2 medial series of hooks (replaced by suckers at arm tips (holotype)) and 2 marginal series of suckers; arm IV with suckers only.
- Marginal suckers of arms I-III with about 8 closely set, elongate, blunt teeth.
- Marginal suckers of arms III largest followed by suckers of medial series of arms IV largest, followed by marginal suckers of arms IV (holotype).
- Tentacles
- Primary locking-apparatus with 4-5 ridges, each with medial sucker and 5-6 alternating knobs.
- Dactylus suckers with 4-6 long, slender, peglike teeth on distal margin of inner ring.
- Dorsal margin of tentacular stalk with at least 63 suckers in single series (46 mm ML).
- Ventral margin of tentacular stalk with at least 74 suckers in single series (46 mm ML).
- Head
- Beaks.
- Radula
- Measurements and counts
Type no. 816327 040162
687 057608 Mantle length 46 39 35 31 Mantle width 16 12 10 13 Fin length 22 17 12 10 Fin width 41 32 28 25 Head width 10 11 11 9 Eye diameter 7.5 8.5 - 6 Arm I, length 27 22 16 15 Arm II, length
28 25 19 18 Arm III, length
29 24 19 17 Arm IV, length
28 18 17 14 Tentacle length 44 27 28 25 Club length 12 9 9 7 Arm hooks + + + + Central club hook + + + + Distal club hook + + + + Proximal club hooks 4 2 - - Club sucker no. 320 347 339 355 Half arm I counts 20/14 - 17/5 - Half arm II counts
22/15 - 19/9 - Half arm III counts
19/15 - 17/9 - Half arm IV counts
47 - 35 -